Wednesday 19 January 2011

Website proposal 2

I am building up a better idea of what I intend for my website to look like and how it's going to layout. I have decided to build the website to my own personal preference and not based on the already existing site hartnoll's guitars. So this is now my original website design, called Fennder, abit like Fender guitar company, except my last name is Fenn so this how it worked. Although I will still be using Hartnoll's and Vibes guitar sites as influences and to help me imagine how I want my site to look.
For the background I intend to use some sort of black or chrome look to it. I want to stick to dark colours, mostly black and white. I want to make the layout and tabs in a nice stylish order and not all over the place and in your face, and also simplistic but also stylish.
Hopefully, after gathering pictures for my site, I will hopefully use some for the website layout, maybe using some of the pictures for the background image.

1 comment:

  1. Please post your production time plan and your site plan
