Wednesday 16 February 2011


The capture unit was based around planning and using different methods of capture to create our final piece which was a website design. I went about doing this by looking at the different types of media and mediums, such as photography or drawing. I started with investigating capture through a mind map, looking at all the different ways in which capture is made and used. I chose photography for my project. The subject of my project was to investigate , research, plan and experiment. All going towards how I would create my website at the end. I was allowed to create a website of my choice based whatever I chose it to be designed for, for example, I chose to do my website based on a guitar shop, and some people chose to do their website based on a clothing shop. Through research I learnt how artists developed their ideas and created their work in their career, this helped me to feel inspired and give inspiration for how I would go about using capture to create my website. I also researched into how photography was invented and how it has developed into what photography is today and what is used to create photography.

Through planning I made a design proposal in which I developed ideas for what I wanted to create, what I was going to use to create my idea and how I was going to go about doing so, looking at existing guitar sites to see good and bad points about those sites to help me imagine how I want my website to look. Since my website was based on a guitar shop, and I was doing photography as my method of capture, I went to a local guitar shop and used the shop's permission to photograph their products, this was my main use of photography as a method of capture. The images could then be used for my site as identification for the products.

Through experimentation, I was able to learn from many different methods of capture, some of the many things I experimented with were class demonstrations for how to create things in photoshop. For drawing I went in a group around the college and made several wall rubbings onto paper, this allowed me to experiement with drawing as a method of capture. I was introduced to a website called Wordle, which allowed me to create typography style by simply entering whatever words I wanted to be in the typography, this was a useful source of experimenting by using internet sources as a method of capture. Even though I didn't use all these to create my website, they were still useful for my experimentation and help with my planning.

I think the use of planning and experimentation, helped me realise what was a realistic and plausible approach towards how I would create my website and use methods of capture to do so. By continuous planning I could develop ideas and then add or take away to my planning, simplifying my work. Planning was a crucial part towards my project as it really helped structure together an idea of what I wanted, how I was going to make it the way I wanted and to plan how I was going to gather the materials for my work through the methods of capture.

I think planning will be a crucial and convenient method to use for future projects. I also feel photography is a very convenient and flexible method of capture to use for just any sort of project. It can also be considered alot more useful and convenient than drawing as a method of capture.

I think if I was to do this again or for the future, I will experiment using different methods of capture, possibly drawing. Or to be more creative with photography, using different techniques and generally trying something new, maybe making use of photoshop, like effects as photoshop and photography go very well together.

Over the course of this project I have learned alot of new things using photoshop, experimenting with different methods of capture using various techniques. I have also been introduced into useful internet sources, my favourite being I've also been introduced into new things to use such as 3DS max 3D modeling , typography and a induction into photography use. An important part of this project has been the planning. The planning has been crucial for idea development, design proposals and time keeping. Helping me piece together how my final website was going to look and how all the things I learnt and gathered build that look. Planning really helped me realise what was going to work and what wasn't going to work, so I could conveintly alter my plan with ease. What I will be taking away from this project is all the convenient and interesting things I've learned, such as photoshop techniques and how to use planning to make ease of my project.

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