Monday 8 November 2010

Website Proposal

Design proposal

For this unit I want to redesign a music shop called Hartnoll's guitar shop, because I feel the shop could be more inspirational and eye catching. I feel that the site has little effort put in towards it in some areas, such as the description of products being basic and can actually be seen identically on other music shops. Considering they sell some very dear products, it would be ideal to have maybe a bit more info on the product, so people can understand the product they’re buying better.

Good points about the site are that it's actually a good music shop to buy products from, they have quite a good selection and have a wide variety easier to navigate, the tabs are neatly listed on the side of the webpage which makes finding that certain product you’re looking for much easier. The site is fairly community friendly, having customer comments on the right side of the website in a separate column.

Bad points are, there are occasionally a few hiccups here and there which can ruin the view of the site, and look a bit tacky. Could probably use better images whether for product examples or for icons. Product description could be better for some products as it can explain something which can be seen on any site, and doesn’t give much input or personal store input on the product, as a lot of products are over hundred pounds, so it would be to get a better idea of what you’re buying, so you don’t become disappointed. I feel the layout is poorly done and the colour scheme is unattractive

I think maybe having online guitar lessons, maybe just basic lessons and possibly a (song)tabs section.

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